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Prof. Dr. Markus Chimani
Contact Details
firstname.lastname @ | |
Room | 50/509 |
Tel | +49 (0)541/969-2478 |
Fax | +49 (0)541/969-2799 |
Office Hours | please make an appointment |
PGP | 0xA4D0E6C9 |
ORCID | 0000-0002-4681-5550 |
Für Fragen bzgl. Prüfungsangelegenheiten kontaktieren Sie bitte zunächst den entsprechenden Studiengangskoordinator. Dieser wird Ihnen i.d.R. weiterhelfen können, bzw. Sie bei komplizierteren Entscheidungen an mich weiterleiten.
Dr. Fritz Bökler | | Informatik-Studiengänge |
Dr. Thomas Jarmer | | Geoinformatik |
Dr. Christoph Borchert | | Embedded Software Systems |
Short CV
Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1980, I studied Computer Science at the TU Vienna from 1999-2004. After spending 6 months at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs in Boston, MA, I started my PhD at the TU Dortmund and received my CS doctorate in late 2008 under Prof. Petra Mutzel's guidance (Chair of Algorithm Engineering). I continued there as a postdoc, intermitted by a 2-months stay at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, visiting Prof. Petr Hliněný in spring 2009. Starting April 2010, I held the position of junior-professor for Algorthm Engineering, funded by the Carl-Zeiss foundation, at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. Since April 2013, I'm the head of the Theoretical Computer Science group at Osnabrück University (W3 since April 2017).
Research Interests
- Algorithm Engineering
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Exact Solutions for NP-hard problems
- (Computation of) Crossing number and other non-planarity measures; Graph Drawing; Graph Theory
- Network Optimization
- ILP, Branch-and-Cut, Column Generation
Research & Projects
On the Research++ page, you can find ongoing
- DFG projects, and